Keynotes and Major Presentations

I am available to speak at your event or institution. Here is a selection of some major talks, such as keynotes and plenaries I have given. For a list of invited presentations and conference papers, please see my CV.

Plenary Panelist: MLA 2024 ADE-ALD Summer Seminar: “Models and Guidance to Increase Enrollments in Language Programs”
May 30, 2024

Keynote: “Creating Thriving Language Programs During Times of Declining Enrollments”
40th Council of Teachers of Southeast Asian Languages Conference (COTSEAL)
April 26-27, 2024

Plenary Address: “Supporting Sustainable Community-Based Less Commonly Taught Language Programs”
October 23, 2023, Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference, American University, Washington, D.C.

TEDx MSU: “Beyond Normalized Teaching Boxes: Rethinking Learning Spaces”
April 2023, Wharton Center for Performing Arts

Keynote: “Supporting LCTL Educators and Programs Through Resources, Training, and Collaboration” (with Emily Heidrich Uebel)
Consortium of Middle East National Resource Centers Virtual Language Workshop
March 2, 2023, University of Texas, Austin

International Keynote: “Sprachlernräume innovativ gestalten”
AKS Leitungstagun
November 30, 2018, Kempten, Germany

International Keynote: “Developing Built Pedagogy: Physical Language Learning Spaces in a Digital World”
Innovation pédagogique et enseignement des langues Conference
May 23, 2017, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

International Keynote: Level Up: Language Learning in Digital Gaming Spaces
DIGILAL Conference
July 13, 2017, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

Plenary Panel: “Digital Language Learning: A Liberal Arts Exploration of New Modes of Teaching and Learning Languages”
AALAC Symposium, Middlebury College
April 7, 2017

Keynote: “Fads, Failures, and Fantastic Feats: Chasing the Holy Grail of Language Learning Technology”
TFLTAW Conference
March 25, 2017

Keynote: “Embracing Hybridity in (Language) Learning Space Design”
2017 Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology Conference
March 3-5, 2017, Muhlenberg College

International Keynote: “From Language Lab to Language Center and Beyond:
The Past, Present and Future of Language Learning Center Design”

2016 RANACLES Conference
(XXIVe congrès du Rassemblement National des Centres de Langues de l’Enseignement Supérieur)

November 24-26, 2016, Université Paris-Sorbonne – France

Keynote: “Beyond the Language Center: Physical, Digital and Hybrid Learning Spaces for Language Learning”
2016 New England Regional Association for Language Learning Technology Conference
October 27-28, 2016, Mount Holyoke College

Keynote: “Panacea or Chocolate-Covered Broccoli? Games, Gamification, and Language Learning”
Maryland Foreign Language Association Conference
October 21, 2016 Howard Community College, Columbia, MD

Plenary Panel: “50 Years and Beyond: Drawing on Our Past to Predict Our Future”
August 14, 2015, Harvard University

Plenary Speaker: The Tipping Point: Language Learning for a Changed World – “Spaces Matter”
November, 2013, 
ACTFL Convention, Orlando, FL

Keynote: “Tag, you’re it: Language Learner Motivation, Identities and Agency in Computer Gaming Spaces”
FLTP (Foreign Language Technology Program)
October 18, 2013, University of Colorado, Boulder

Inauguration Keynote: “Language Learning Spaces at Small Liberal Arts Colleges”
Inauguration of the New Language Learning Center
October 26, 2012, Willamette University