Storybird Writing Projects, Part 2

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2014-10-23_11-18-14My experiences with Storybird this semester were great. I wrote part one of this a few weeks ago, and now that the projects are in, I’d like to write a few lines about the final results. First of all, we did not have any technical glitches, and the administrative side of Storybird allowed me to quickly see everyone’s progress and even reset passwords for students.

The stories that students produced were quite varied, and we enjoyed the creative writing process. In our intensive writing course, I found it important to expose students to many different forms of writing: formal essays, short opinions and answer texts, creative writing, multimedia-based writing, digital storytelling, etc. Storybird added some nice flavor and variety to the course. This could certainly be used for beginning language students as well.

We ordered some printed copies of some the books and look forward to displaying them in our Language Learning Center.

Here’s a story by a student who agreed to share it.


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