CeLTA – Center for Language Teaching Advancement
It has been almost half a year since I started working as the director of the Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA) at Michigan State University.
Moving from Rhodes College, where I had been 9 years, was challenging and thrilling at the same time. My colleagues at MSU are great, and I really like working here. The biggest change was the change of sheer size: from a mostly undergraduate liberal arts college to one of the largest research universities in the country. From a private to a public institution. From tiny, small campus to a sprawling campus.

Now that I am settled in and my first major new projects are gaining momentum, I am back to blogging. I installed a new WP theme, consolidated the posts from my other blog into this site, and I will soon chronicle all the cool new projects that a place like CeLTA and MSU enable me to do.
More to come soon!